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At Heathmere, safeguarding underpins everything that we do; keeping the children safe is our top priority. We are fully committed to our safeguarding policy and will closely monitor any cases of suspected abuse, referring to Wandsworth Social Care with any concerns.

The Designated Safeguarding Leads are:

Emma Lewis – Headteacher

Meryam Rachi – Family Liaison Officer

Nana Kennedy – Assistant Head leading on Inclusion and SENCO

We work in conjunction with the Wandsworth Safeguarding Children Partnership. All staff at Heathmere undertake safeguarding training. The governors have oversight of all of the school’s safeguarding policies and processes, including those relating to recruitment.

The curriculum and wider ethos at Heathmere is designed to help the children to understand how to stay safe. Some of these ways include:

  • PATHS 
  • Online Safety and Acceptable Use Policies
  • Relationships and Health Education
  • Assemblies


Important Safeguarding Documents 

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

Covid19 addition to the Child Protection Policy

Online Safety Policy

Whistleblowing Policy Anti-bullying Policy

Keeping Children Safe in Education